Sunday, 25 September 2016

Interview With David Leadbeater

David Leadbeater is the author of nineteen Kindle International Bestsellers - the Matt Drake and Alicia Myles series', the Disavowed series and Chosen. He has sold over half a million e-books on the Amazon Kindle. 

When did you first realise you wanted to be a writer? 

I've written books since I was 15 years old. It's always been my highest aspiration. 

How much time do you send on research? 

I try to get all my initial research written down within a week. If some parts look quite daunting I leave links in the plot at relevant points to be addressed later.  

What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book? 

Learning a new process of writing and editing! I used a new editor for Stand Your Ground and he worked very differently. He taught me a lot. 

Do you have an agent, and if not, are you looking for one? 

No agent and not looking for one at the moment. Independent publishing is where it's all at. 

You recently worked with Ed Stackler as your editor.  How did you find the process? 

Ed is a great developmental editor, able to push your further and harder and make you really think about plotlines, characters and pace. He is very experienced, working for Amazon, and very professional. I'd certainly enjoy the chance to do it all again some time. 

How do you handle negative reviews? 

I take note only if they hold serious content, and something I or my readers tend to agree with. If a recurring theme comes up I look at rewriting certain passages or researching further, two things I have done several times in the past. Amazon's self-publishing platform allows you to revise your book at any time – another great boon for Independent publishing. 

Which marketing strategy has worked best for you? 

If I'm being honest none of them seem to work all that well. My best decision was to create a mailing list of readers and use that to inform everyone of new releases. Whichever way you do it, I believe a large mailing list is essential. 

Where can we find your books? My Amazon Author Central page shows a list of the avaialble titles: 
And my personal website is: 

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