
My first three novels were picked up by Thomas and Mercer back in 2014, and since then I have been contracted to write 5 more. The last of those, Seek and Destroy, will be out in November 2018. I'm working on the tenth, a third book in the Eva Driscoll series, which I hope to have finished by the end of the month.
This month also marks another milestone. I'm a handful of sales short of one million across all platforms, so I should hit the magic number in the next few days.
In the last few weeks, I also managed to get one of the most respected agents in the business. Alice Saunders of LAW Agency is going to be looking after my interests from now on.
I recently learned that my seventh novel, Trojan has been shortlisted for the ITW Best Original Ebook award, and my publisher is flying me to New York for the ceremony at Thrillerfest! It'll be my first taste of the Big Apple, though unfortunately I won't get to see much of it as I'm only there for two days. Still, it promises to be an experience.
So, now it's time to look forward to the next 2500 days. I hope to write at least ten more books in that time, just in time for my daughters turning 18. Hopefully they'll want to read my work!